November 2024 School Bond Facility Projects
Every School, Every Student
It is the vision of the North Kingstown School Department to keep two middle schools in our town. Our plan is to build a new Wickford Middle School to replace the old 1932 building. The new Wickford Middle School will be built where the athletic fields are currently. Once the new school has been built, new athletic fields will be laid out where the current school is located. For Davisville Middle School, we have identified a number of specific renovations over the next 5 years to improve that educational facility. In addition, our elementary schools will receive much-needed renovations.
Dr. Duva, NK School Superintendent

North Kingstown School Building Advisory Committee
BSC - Meeting Recordings
All Subcommittee Meetings are Recorded. You can see the entire playlist by visiting our You Tube Channel.
Project Schedule